
Dating app “Matching” will help you find your exact match accoarding to your common interests.
3 simple steps to use the application:
1. Fill the details and register for the application
2. Enter your interests
3. Start meet potential people with similar interests to yours


Today’s social networks and especially in the dating apps, everything has become fast and agile and we immediately reject a first impression of the person we want to meet.


My solution for the app is to get to know each other for the purpose of a relationship through common hobbies you both have.
If you like going to see show then you go to a show that you both like together and this can creates the initial click for you through a shared experience.

User Reserch

I did a research where I interviewed people between age range 25-38 who use dating apps.
I found out that they use Ok Kupid, Bambel and Tinder apps.
I have also studied over different mobile apps: dating apps & hobby apps.


Think that to know each other for relationship through common hobbies is better then
other dating app


Want to know for
a real relationship


Don’t use because they don’t believe in finding relationship in dating app


Want to get to know each other for relationship in the radius closest to them.


Mika Lugasi
27 years old | Ramat Gan, Israel


Mika is single and looking for a relationship. She is tired of going on dates that do not yield anything and she is looking to find a relationship with somebody whose hobbies are similar to hers.
Ran Ben David
33 years old | Tel Mond, Israel
Ran wants to go to a stand-up show but has no one to go with.
He decides to enter the app to see on the hobbies page if anyone wants to go to stand-up with him.



Once feeding and filtering your interests, you’ll see your matches on the map and you can easily send a message.
Profile setting
Add several photos, define who you want to meet/ radius distance/ age range. Write about yourself so that they get to know you a little better.
my profile
Find your match by the interests you’ve entered and filtered.
You can view the profiles relevant to you and send a message.
Massages & Alarts
Send messages in our secure chat.
You will receive frequent notifications about new adjustments and additional updates.